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From Conflict Zones to Global Impact Career Insights with Victor Ochen
Webinar 1 for the Online Course on the Peace and Development Nexus in Africa
Online discussion (18.06.20) with Victor Ochen on global challenges and refugee situation
On the Frontlines of Rising Fragility: Collaborating and Innovating for Impact | WBG Spring Meetings
Forum 2016 Plenary: The World We Want: Opportunities to Shape a Shifting Global Landscape
“PEACE: Reflections on Africa” Exhibition and Talk
Youth ending extremism in Northern Uganda
NOW4 Kampala 2017 Session 5 - Motives for and Alternatives to Migration
Youth, protest, and peacebuilding: conversation and negotiation with the state in Africa
Thoughts from West Africa: Two decades of protecting human rights and the environment
Riada talks to Chic Dambach on his prolific career, life challenges & memoir "Exhaust the Limits"
Sunday Introduction Round Table: Visions for Peace Conflicts and Tensions for Tomorrow